Ai in Healthcare How it Revolutionises the Medicial Sector
  • PF

  • Mar 23, 2023

AI in Healthcare – How it Revolutionises the Medical Sector

Artificial intelligence has a significant impact on every industry as it enables businesses to optimise their operations. The healthcare sector is no different as it also utilises the core offerings of AI. According to research, the global market for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare is estimated to reach $102.7 billion by 2028, rising at a compound yearly growth rate (CAGR) of 47.6% between 2023 and 2028. The increasing demand for healthcare services, rising healthcare expenditures, and the desire for better patient outcomes are driving this rapid expansion. From forecasting illness risk to devising individualised treatment options, AI is revolutionising healthcare in previously inconceivable ways. Let’s look at how AI is being utilised in healthcare and the influence it’s having on the sector.

What is AI for Healthcare?

In simple terms, AI in healthcare is the use of computer algorithms to improve the existing healthcare digital system. We know that every industry now implements digital solutions to perform various tasks and the healthcare sector is no different. Modern-day treatment centres and hospitals have full-fledged digital solutions that assist doctors and medical staff in recording and analysing patient charts and medical records in just one click. AI technologies such as machine learning, computer vision and natural language processing have the potential to push digital healthcare offerings to a new level. With the implementation of these promising algorithms and AI solutions, hospitals and medical centres can improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of patients. 
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How AI Improves the Healthcare Industry?

AI has the ability to transform the healthcare business by automating and streamlining numerous operations, decreasing mistakes, improving diagnosis, and increasing patient results. These are a few instances of how artificial intelligence benefits the healthcare sector:

  • AI can analyse medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans to help discover anomalies such as cancers more accurately and quickly. This can assist radiologists in making more accurate diagnoses and developing treatment regimens more rapidly.
  • By examining their medical history, lifestyle, and other data points, AI can assist in identifying people who are at risk of acquiring specific diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease. This enables healthcare practitioners to take preventative actions to lower the chance of illness development or to detect it early.
  • AI can scan massive volumes of patient data from EHRs to spot trends that may signal a specific disease or health condition. This can assist doctors in developing more accurate diagnoses and treatment regimens.
  • AI can assist pharmaceutical companies in identifying emerging medication ideas and forecasting how they will function in the human body. This can assist to speed up the drug development process and bring new treatment options to market more quickly.
AI and Healtcare Facts

AI in Healthcare –  The Need of Time?

The sudden rise of AI solutions in every industry is due to the fact that data is increasing at a rapid pace. We produce an enormous amount of data on a daily basis. The AI and healthcare industry is also putting the widespread data into beneficial use. With artificial intelligence, patient data can be efficiently managed and arranged to help doctors predict the future risks associated with patients. Still, the adoption of AI in health care is much slower as compared to other industries such as the financial and tech sectors. It can be due to heightened regulations and privacy concerns. The ethical use of patient data is also a significant aspect, but sooner or later the healthcare industry will fully adopt AI technology as the primary driver of its digital systems. 

Significant Examples of AI in the Health Sector

In recent years, Artificial intelligence in healthcare has steadily moved from the laboratory to clinical and public health applications, such as early warning of epidemics and intelligent analysis of large amounts of medical data. AI has significantly enhanced our diagnostic, prediction, and treatment level while battling COVID-19.

COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 epidemic has been a global health disaster that has tested healthcare systems all over the world. Yet, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a strong tool to assist healthcare practitioners in managing outbreak. 

  • Based on imaging scans such as X-rays and CT scans, AI algorithms have been created to assist in the diagnosis and screening of COVID-19 patients. These algorithms can help clinicians detect possible COVID-19 patients sooner and more accurately, improving patient outcomes.
  • Because of the increase in COVID-19 patients, hospitals have had difficulty allocating resources such as ventilators and ICU beds. AI models have been created to assist hospitals in forecasting resource demand and allocating resources more effectively, hence lowering the load on healthcare systems.
  • AI has been utilised to create contact tracking applications that aid in the identification of probable COVID-19 exposure. These apps utilise machine learning algorithms to track the virus’s transmission and assist healthcare practitioners in taking preventive steps.
  • Artificial intelligence has been used to speed up drug research by predicting the efficacy of current medications against COVID-19 and finding possible new treatments. This has aided researchers in identifying new medicines more quickly and at a cheaper cost.

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Computer Aided Diagnostics

The development of Computer-Aided Diagnostic (CAD) systems, which utilise machine learning algorithms to assist clinicians in illness diagnosis, is one example of AI in healthcare. CAD systems, for example, may analyse medical pictures like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs to detect irregularities that may indicate the existence of a disease.

These methods can assist clinicians in making more accurate diagnoses in less time and with better confidence. By detecting illnesses at an earlier stage, they can also lower the risk of human mistakes and enhance patient outcomes.

Key Takeaways

Machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and predictive analytics are some of the methods that transform the healthcare industry. Artificial intelligence and data science processes enable systems to evaluate and understand massive volumes of patient data, detect trends, and make predictions and suggestions based on that data. For example, machine learning methods help train AI systems to spot patterns in medical imagery or forecast the chance of a patient getting a specific disease based on their medical history. Natural language processing can examine unstructured data like medical notes, whilst predictive analytics can be used to identify patients who are at risk of getting a certain condition. In a nutshell, AI is paving new ways for the healthcare sector to tackle upcoming medical challenges. It is the need of time and must be implemented under controlled and fair use.

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